Friday, April 20, 2007

Spring has arrived!!

Hello Folks

Well, I swear it happened yesterday, spring is here, my tulips are up, tons of other plants are peaking their heads up out of the ground, I spent a good hour yesterday just checking to see if all our transplanted tree's made it thought the winter and they are all alive!! Yahooo!

All my berry bushes made it thought the winter, and are coming along great.. so its time to start working outside for an hour or so each day now on my garden..

In are walk about on the farm, we found an old hill of compost from the barn that had been dumped there well before us, and normally its a grass covered hill, but when we dug down in it a bit, its wel rotted rich black dirt, Black gold, so I asked Jason if we could haul it all up to be screened and used in my beds and different raised Gardens.. So that will save me from needing to buy another load of soil this spring which is great, and our compost pile from our first year on the farm is ready to be planted in sqaush this year.. should be wonderful..

I heard the most wonderful sound last night, frogs!!, singing frogs from every direction, I love the frogs songs and soon the fireflys will be out, the sky was so clear last night and the stars and the sliver of the moon, amazing.. we spent an extra three hours out last night, just grazing the goats and hanging out, walking the fields and farm.. The goats act like dogs and follow up everywhere we go LOL

Well to keep it even slightly dog related, we did take the dogs for a extra long run in the fields yesterday and they loved it, even if they did manage to find every single puddle and mud hole to play in, they got to stay in the attached canvis covered dog yard till they were dry with new bones to chew, and then a quick brush and they were good to go.


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