Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Puppy Update-Vet Check April litter 2007

Hello Folks

Well, its been a good day so far, we had a good night, mom is getting less milk which is in fact a good thing, and Puppy is getting bigger and stronger so less work from me is needed. Just think soon, I will be able to sleep for more then 20 to 25 min at a time..

So took little miss "honey child" (just a nickname folks) to the vet today for a full check up and I am so pleased to say, clean bill of health, everything is good, good heart, and lungs, passed all her little checks and the vet said "boy she is a strong little one is she not" which is always a good thing to hear. New photo of her, she says, my blanket is grey today, not so good for photos but o so soft and warm for me.

Momma dog also got a clean bill of health, perfect condition, and healing well from the birth, confirmed that I was right that all feels normal, and so that is good.

So vet's advice, swing her if she gets the milk coming out of her nose again and figures that within another few days, she will be strong enough and momma will have slowed down milk enough that all will be well..

Sometimes I think my vet thinks I'm funny, but I'd raither be funny then miss something..

Otherwise, nothing much else new, just working on club stuff, and prepping for the dog shows coming up this weekend.


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