Sunday, April 08, 2007

Nikkita in Loving Memory

Hello Folks

It was a shock this morning to go into the kitchen and realize that something was missing, no morning chirps from Nikkita's cage, after being with us for just over seven years, our lovely blue and white female budgie Nikkita had passed away..

I still remember having moved to Yellowknife and it was Midnight night madness days and street fair, and Jason and I were still young and in love (well we are still in love now, just older :)

We went into the pet store and they had baby budgies free with the starter cage, and we picked out what was the sweetest and prettiest baby budgie from a whole group of them.. Nikkita was my bird song of the north, I was raised in Alberta and my folks always feed the birds for the winter, and the sounds of songs outside was something I grew up with, but in the north, the only bird that stays is that amazing big black bird the Raven, and I missed the sounds of little birds so much, and Nikkita was my songs for years up there.

She flew in a little hamster cage under the seat to Iqaluit from yellowknife when we moved there, and she was so quiet almost to the end of the flight and then she burst into song, and half the plane went, Did you just hear a bird?? so the flight attendent had us show her off to the plane, and everyone thought she was a very pretty bird. She was a tough bird when it came to the kitties and if they were silly enough to put a paw or nose into her new big cage, she would nip them, and they quickly learned to respect the bird LOL

We had gotten two CD's to help teach her to talk but her most famous sounds were the cats sounds, she learns to meow just like a cat, purr like a cat, sound like a lost cat and even to make a short bark like a woof.. Vistors were always amazed at my cat talking bird, and once my mother and stepfather spent an hour trying to find the lost "cat" that was clearly stuck in a closet or a cupboard, only finally to realize that it Nikkita playing tricks on them.

She flew down south with us to Ontario and loved to sing back and forth with all the outside birds that came to the bird feeder, and her favorite treats was fresh apple and strawberry.

Ok, most likely more then most folks want to know about my little blue and white bird, but it made me feel better to write it.


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