Thursday, April 26, 2007

Greenstone Voodoo Child "Pika" Update

Hello Folks

I got the most wonderful update from Pika's owners tonight and wanted to say THANK You to them and share their update with all the fellow puppies owners and friends :)

Pika is one of those very lucky pups who's owners not only have a great home but they also have a cabin, and his family has informed me that he loves his time outside with them, Sent a wonderful photo, but will have get permission to include on the website, (love! his curly tail but it has mom in it, and I don't post photo with family, without express permission) Ah, I cropped him in the photo, and I just have to share, he is STUNNING....WOW, I know that he is one of my babies, but I really like him..

So he is starting to learn to wade up to chest high and I have no doubt will be swimming well by the end of the summer, everyone that has a greenstone pup and cabin, tend to tell me that they have dogs that love to swim..

So Pika has done well in school, finishing Puppy Kindergarden and taking a " obility" class with is a combo of obedance and what sounds like puppy agility training.. what a great idea.. I have had some folks also talk to me about their schools offering family dog training or puppy agility, always interesting to see what is offered across the different parts of the country.

It sounds like Pika will be having lots of fun in "home study" for the next while, and that is great, I am sure he is going to enjoy his summer at both home and at the cabin, can't wait to see photos of him out in such a beautiful area for the photos backdrop.

I have to say, I was truly moved to see the photo of Pika on the sofa sleeping, he is his daddy! and he looks so much like him that it pulled my heart strings, when he is standing out in the snow, I can see his momma in him, but O my goodness he looks like his daddy.. and he is such a "macho boy" What a little powerhouse.. can't wait to see him as a fully grown adult.

Thanks again for sending new photos and the lovely update..


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