Friday, February 02, 2007

ARBA CH Tofra Lagsi of Greenstone Kennels...

Hello Folks

Well, as most of you know, Lagsi, while owned by Greenstone Icelandic Kennel, lives with Grandma Sharp in Alberta, and so we only get to see him once a year or so, but we get to hear about him lots more then that.. Well, Verla takes the most lovely photos of Lagsi in the garden or in the house, they are not really stacks, and I have been saying to Jason, I sure would like to see how he has Finished out, as he is six years in the prime of his life right now.. So Jason and Verla were kind enough to try and get me some stack photos.. So here is a new one of Tofra Lagsi, he is a med coated, Red and White Pied Male, Double on back, single on front.

For those interested, he has OFA Fair, and a couple of CERF normals, and is a very lovely dog with peaple, Lagsi came to us as an adult dog, having had two litters in the US before moving to Canada. Lagsi has never had a litter born in Canada..

Lagsi is a full littermate brother to Alfur at Pineridge Kennels, another lovely med coated Red and white Show Pied male. He is half brother to my Tofra Dalla(same mother, different father), which makes him a half great-uncle to all of Dalla's puppies..

He is also a Uncle to Ch Belglen Runa of Greenstone, as her father is Alfur at Pineridge.


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