Saturday, February 17, 2007

Busy Icelandics, weekends are so much fun

Hello Folks

Well, its been a lovely and busy Saturday, up early and out with the dogs this morning, then into town for some shopping, and then off to the city for some more shopping, we got all the needed supplies for making new training weave poles sets for the Icelandics, I have a set for outside, but needed a set built for work indoor that would fit nicely in my living room.

It is a very nice day today, only minus four to six, so we went we got home, we did more snow shoveling and had the group out with us for another long run while we did outside chores, and tonights goal is to build the new weaves, so will have to take a photo when we are done and using them.
A lovely new photo of Greenstone Ada just hanging out in the snow behind the barn today, she was sure enjoying the warmer weather, the snow and the huge fields to run in, the bounding though the snow gives the dogs a nice work out..

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