Thursday, January 31, 2008

Peter Oleihoek Study Page 30- Icelandic Sheepdog Family Groups

Hello Folks, Thought it was a good idea to show what the family groups looked like when the study was done ten years ago.. It will give you a idea of just how small all the other groups beside A1 and B23 are, now I have no doubt that some groups have more dogs in them, but in keeping with that, so have the large groups also grown.
Now the interesting things that happens is that each country has its own pools of lines, and in this way, they create their own pools of bloodlines..
Right now near as I can see, we tend to have in Canada - A1, B1, B3, H1, J1, M1, M3, O
If there are other dogs with other families, I am unaware of them, and do not mean to leave them out, please if you have a dog with a different family group, I would love to hear about it and will be very happy to add their bloodlines, please remember that your dog must have more then half of its bloodlines related to any one bloodline to claim it, otherwise, the dog carries that bloodline, and with linebreeding it could be brought out in future generations.

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