Friday, May 25, 2007

Yipppeee, Ada is in Heat now as well!!

Hello to all my waiting puppy owners to be..

Ada has now started her heat as well, and the countdown on her breeding begins as well.. Darri arrived on Weds evening, and he is lovely, I will post new photos of him soon.

What to tell you about Darri, well the first thing, is that he has a wonderful temperment, and he is so quiet, I could not be more pleased with both of those, so sweet, and very interested in learning what it is I am asking, and he has thinking eyes, you can tell that he is listening and learning all the time..

He is taller then both females but being a still young man, (just over two) he has some maturing to do, and so the females are in fact a bit bigger then him in terms of overall bone/width of body, and they both appear at this time of the year to be more in coat then he is at this time. He has his summer coat in, and has lots more of his undercoat that is for sure.

Love the harshness to his coat, its so correct for the breed, all in all a lovely wonderful boy and looking forward to his breeding the girls, and more updates to follow.


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