Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to town we go...

Well its a in town training day today, we have class this afternoon, so got up bright and early this morning, so have been working in the barn, getting the house chores done, and give all the dogs a very nice run outside in the fields, I am planning on seeing if I can get some of my new photos put on CD, so will look forward to getting some new updated photos available for each new blog entry.

So the classes are for Freyja and Dalla this afternoon, and a little bit of shopping, and back to to the farm before dark for the evening chores.

I can't wait to see if Freyja can have enough focus to show off all her new training in class, I sure hope so..

Quite excited to find out that Myra Savant Harris is having a Canine Reproduction and Whelping seminar in toronto the first weekend of May, I am going to head down to Toronto, Laura and Scott are both planning on going to the seminar as well, and have been kind enough to offer to let me stay at their home on Saturday evening, so I am looking forward to lots of good information and a nice visit as well.

If you would like to learn more about Mrs Harris and what she teaches, here is her website.



Ps, the Icelandic Sheepdogs in the photo are Ch Belglen Runa of Greenstone (far left, Chinchilla Female)Greenstone Ada(pointed)(middle, Red/White Female) and Greenstone Alaxander the Great(pointed)- Black Tri male on the far right..

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