Sunday, January 28, 2007

Baby Goat Watch, Wobble Table and more

Hello and Good Day to you all.

Well its been a long night, and while its still early in the morning, I have been up for hours already..

So my one goat appears to be getting ready to kid, she started really showing signs last night, and has now lost her plug and has that curve to her back, along with the hollows on either side of her tail, so any time within the next 12 hours, and I am expecting a new little one to enter the world, so I have been setting my alarm every two hours to go check and sit for 10 to 15 min with her..

Good news is that while I might have had a somewhat sleepless night, she waited till today and its alot warmer, so that is a good thing.. I have a kid box with heat lamp for the baby but I have to be there to make sure it gets used and it was cold last night down below -20's, so I was worried about those little baby ears getting dry in time.

So with almost no wind out this morning, I wanted to get the dogs out and having some good morning runs, what a wonderful site, a good cup of hot coffee to take with you and a very colorful group of happy ISD running in the snow (aka Hay Fields).

So we did get to some training yesterday as well.. Going over Basics for most of the dogs, working on the tricks talked about this week, working on the target training but also got out the puppy wobble board, and put it on a really thick blanket, so that it would not move and worked on table and a play bow down on it with Freyja.. who says its been a fun but hard week learning all these new things.

Well, I guess I had better get back to work now.. Just got my copy of the Canadian Icelandic Sheepdog Club newsletter and as always Laura did a great job!! What a wonderful newsletter and just full of something different for everyone.. if you have never looked at one, let me know and I would be happy to send you a free copy, if you own a Icelandic Sheepdog or are wanting learn more about this wonderful breed, the newsletter is worth its weight in gold..


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