Monday, June 05, 2006

Old Artic photos

Hello Folks

I was visiting with a person on sunday and we got talking about the tundra and the artic, which of course is were we use to live with the dogs.. got me a little homeesick for the north, so I took a look today at some photos.. They made me smile, laugh and maybe a little wet in the eyes all at the same time.. So I'm going to post a few with notes on where there were at..

So the first one is a herd of musk ox that we saw out on one of our camping work trips.. Jason was filming then with the video camera and he was very quietly talking away, then realized that they were to close, and that one of the bulls had moved past his hiding hole in a pile of rocks and he could not longer leave at free will.

He had to wait there, perfectly still for over an hour before, the herd moved away far enough that he could get up and walk away. Still we have some amazing video of the whole herd including the new babies nursing on mom and musk ox doing what they do :) Hope you will enjoy seeing the photos, and if you want to picture yourself there, nice big outcrop of grey rock is where you are laying on the ground, spring time, 24 hour daylight, and you are out hiking, taking rock samples..


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