Friday, June 09, 2006

Agility Update June 9th

Good Morning Folks

Well, it was agility night last night, with Jason gone on a work trip, I decided to make the private an hour instead of one an half hours and we only worked two dogs instead of four..

So we had Ada and Runa out, Ada was on fire last night, she did everything we asked for her today in regards to contacts, etc.. but we found out that she is weak in "thinking " for herself, she really looks to me to find out what to do next, instead of looking a head..

So that is our current challange with Ada is to work on the "to bad" try something else, so that she can learn to think more about what is coming up, raither then freezing and giving me wonderful eye contact, in a coiled body waiting for the next command..

So this weekend we are a going to haul out a hay bay, that will be come "table" for her and we are going to see what we can do about getting her to think about it.. I have jumps and tunnels so will start doing a very short set with the table being the end.

Runa was havin a slightly off night, she came on strong and was doing well till she went up the teeter tooter to fast, and it went down with a big bang and then she was more concerned..we worked though it, the A-frame was fine, and we were working stays on two on two off mainly but she slowed down on the dog walk.. but by the end of class was more sure of step forward, two steps back appeared to be Runa last night.

Folda continues her honeymoon, which is great news.

Well I was to be at herding this morning but not feeling very well, so am staying home and doing housework instead..looking forward to the weekend, as we are to have cool temps with lots of rain, so will be able to keep working on spring cleaning of pens for the chickens/sheep/goats etc

Everyone have a great day..


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