Monday, July 02, 2007

Hiking/Swimming/ and SKUNK!!

Hello Folks

Well its been a good day, got the two new rabbit hutches mostly painted, so that is great, we worked outside all morning, and then I surprised Jason with a picnic lunch and we loaded up Vaskur, Oppa and Freyja for a trip down to where the butterscotch and South nation rivers meet, and we hiked in and spent two hours out with the dogs, Jason as always brought home a very nice rock, the top half inch is a bone bed, will look great in my rock beds :)

The dogs loved their time out and I was so very pleased with how well Freyja did, this was her first time at the rivers and her first swimming lessions with mom, she did really great, and I am sure she will get better all summer long.

The big surprise was tonight when we went out to do chores, and found a baby skunk in our little barn, and that is not a good thing, first that is where we store most of our feed, and have all our baby critters in, including our litter of barn kittens.. needless to say, it became a interest excerise called, find the skunk, move the skunk out of the building, without getting sprayed if possable and then chase the skunk, (without getting sprayed) away from the farm.. needless to say, somehow it ended up being me, the girl LOL that got to do the close up work, it was just a baby skunk, and that surprised me to tell the truth, because now is the time that they should be having babies, so I guess it could have been a very small yearly female, as skunks normal hunting area is quite big, no point in putting the skunk down unless I really have to, as another one will just take over the area..
Truth to be told, I happen to be one of those crazy peaple that think skunks are sweet looking and have always wanted one as a pet, yes, believe it or not, there is a thrilling communtiy of folks with skunks as pets (desmelled of course), and they come in many different colors and patterns.. but this little one was a plain old single striped black and white, and it was interested and friendly in a skunk way, so we took it slow and steady and finally after 20 min of blocking this area and that area, and slowing pushing it out, out the freedom door it ran, and we keeping a very respectful distance, headed it off our place, I truly hope that it will keep going, and not come back..
I have baby chicks, ducklings and turkey babies and a very cute litter of barn kittens, as well as due any day litters of bunny kits.. so really can't have a skunk hanging about..
Well, took our second crop of rubarb, and put away another bunch of bags of chopped rubarb to go down to the freezer.
Everyone have a great day.

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