Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Dreaming Dogs

Hi Folks

Well, took three dogs with me for agility and to go pick up Jason last night, boy were they excited to see their dad :) For the first while, no one even wanted to notice that I was still there.. cracks me up, they get so happy when he comes home.

So off to the groomers in another hour but just watched something interesting and thought I would share.. I'm sure at some point or another you have all seen your dogs dream, I love it when they dream happy dreams, excited low woof, legs twitching or even running sometimes, rapid eye movement, I have always wondered what it is they dream about, is it a memory, the time I ran after the ball at the park, is it something they enjoy, and therefor create a new dream on what they have done in their life?

Anyway, the idea that my dogs dream has always interested me, but ever now an again, they don't just dream but they have a bad dream, and there is a difference, normally they seem upset and they cry out in their sleep.. I don't like it when the dogs have bad dreams and often will go over, and sit with them, gentle stroking their heads and talking softy to them till they wake up, I find they often will wake up wild eyed, and I again wonder, what in their life has ever been so bad that they would dream about it.

Needless to say, Lily just had a bad dream sleeping on the couch, and before I could get up to comfort her, her favorite girl Dalla, looked up, ran over, jumped on the couch, laid down beside her and started grooming her face, licking her eyes, muzzle and ears, and just as I normally continue to provide comfort after they wake up, so did Dalla, till it was clear that Lily was awake and fine.. Lily gave her a couple head rubs and the two of them laid down together to have a new nap..

There are days that I am amazed at the care that my dogs give each other...

Anyway, might be a slightly strange post, but I still thought it was worth sharing,


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